
When you experience sore throat, there are 4 fruits that you can consume to help overcome them.

One disease that often comes in the rainy season is flu, coughing, and also sore throat. This time, we will discuss the inflammation of the throat, aka the disease that makes sufferers lazy to eat because of the difficulty in swallowing due to the throat that feels very uncomfortable and also sick.

This sore throat is usually caused by food and drinks that are cold and consumed continuously, coupled with weather factors, and the body's immune system is declining. Inflammation of the throat is one of the diseases that often come along with coughing.
For those of you who are experiencing sore throat, here are fruits that you can consume to treat sore throat, namely:

Apart from its soft texture so that it is easy to swallow, bananas will also help with the healing process of the sore throat that you are suffering from. This is because bananas contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, and high potassium.

Pineapple fruit is the second fruit that is good for consumption when you are sore throat. Pineapple fruit contains vitamin C which is high enough to be able to accelerate the healing process of sore throat because it can increase endurance.

You can consume pineapple by making juice and then rest for approximately 1 to 2 hours so that the content in pineapple fruit can work optimally.

Well, if this one fruit is indeed undoubtedly useful for sufferers of sore throat. Lime is often one of the solutions given to the problem of sore throat. This is because lime contains high vitamin C so that it can help restore endurance, reduce the swelling of the gland of your throat, and provide relief to the throat.

The way to consume lime to cope with sore throat is to mix lime juice with one tablespoon of pure honey, stir until smooth, then drink.

Star fruit is the fourth fruit that you can consume to treat sore throat. This is because star fruit can reduce inflammation and reduce the sensation of heat that arises in our throat. You can consume star fruit directly or with juice.

Well, when you experience sore throat, the 4 fruits above can be tried by Teens to help you relieve sore throat.